Clubshow 29-05-2023
Keurmeesters: Carla Peck (NZ) & Janet Saunders (GB)
109 inschrijvingen
Maandag 29 mei 2023, Nieuwegein
BIS + CLUBWINNAAR’23 + WAFDAL Winner 2023: Muta Baruka The Astonishing
Res.BIS: Toot's She's A Rainbow
Beste jongste puppy: Naila Spotty Memories
Beste puppy: Dalmacademy's Perfect Picture
Beste jeugd: Alphadirato Special Item
Beste veteraan: Noemus Du Bois Du Bayehon
Beste FUNklasse: Anaksibia My Spotted Heart Dream
Jongste puppyklasse reuen
1 | Dutch Of The House Kyjano | Afwezig |
Puppyklasse reuen
2 | Dalmacademy's Perfect Puzzle | 2 VB |
3 | Victim Of Love Passionate About You | 1 VB |
Jeugdklasse reuen
4 | Alphadirato Show Time | 4 ZG |
5 | Do It Together With A Laugh | 3 ZG |
6 | Jilloc's Million Dollar | 1 U |
7 | Neville Of Apollo Estate | G |
8 | Onedots Bruno-Peppone | ZG |
9 | Patroklos My Spotted Heart Dream | G |
10 | Snape Of Apollo Estate | G |
11 | Southern Spots All In One | 2 U |
Tussenklasse reuen
12 | Flying Spots King Of The Meadow | 4 ZG |
13 | Flying Spots Morning Glory | G |
14 | Loebas | 2 ZG |
15 | Mayumas, Ajani | 1 U |
16 | Namara's Oh Boy | Afwezig |
17 | Naughty Neptune Of Apollo Estate | Afwezig |
18 | Puntinato Ballante Until Baloe's Uprising | 3 ZG |
Openklasse reuen
19 | Beech Lane Big Leaf Maple | ZG |
20 | Dalmacademy’s Let’s Work Out | 2 U |
21 | Gwynmor Lionheart | 1 U |
22 | Indian Feather Ivanhoe Chief | ZG |
23 | Namara's Mango Tango | 4 U |
24 | Puntinato Ballante Tic Tac Terror | 3 U |
25 | Southern Spots Hear Me Roar | ZG |
26 | Southern Spots Rhino Rock | ZG |
Fokkersklasse reuen
27 | Muta Baruka The Astonishing | 1 U + Best in Show/BOB/CAC |
28 | Namara's In For A Shock | 2 U |
29 | Obonya's Pride Cai Iyanu Ya Nikita | 4 ZG |
30 | Puntinato Ballante Silly Sir Six | 3 U |
Kampioensklasse reuen
31 | Canadian Club Vom Teutoburger Wald | 4 U |
32 | Dalmacademy's Keep On Going | ZG |
33 | Jilloc's Hidden Treasure | 1 U |
34 | Lacrima Christi Clear Concept | Afwezig |
35 | Laffay L'Hommage de Lacrima von Stella Matutina | ZG |
36 | Namara's Red Sky At Night | 2 U |
37 | Spotdog's Instant Impact | 3 U |
38 | Spotty Of The Love Spots | ZG |
Veteranenklasse reuen
39 | Noemus Du Bois Du Bayehon | 1 U + Beste Veteraan/Res.CAC |
40 | Somora´s Juniper Dream | 2 ZG |
Funklasse reuen > 1 jaar
41 | Beech Lane Porthor Whistling Sands | Aanwezig |
42 | Dalmacademy’s Let’s Go Fast | 1e plaats |
43 | Epic Excalibur Vom Teutoburger Wald | 3e plaats |
44 | Flying Spots Snapdragon | 2e plaats |
45 | Update Urban Of The Three Turnip's | 4e plaats |
Jongste puppyklasse teven
46 | Naila Spotty Memories | 1 VB + Beste Baby |
Puppyklasse teven
47 | Beech Lane Heart Of Gold | 3 VB |
48 | Dalmacademy's Perfect Picture | 1 VB + Beste Puppy |
49 | Pien | 2 VB |
Jeugdklasse teven
50 | Alphadirato Special Item | 1 U + Beste Jeugd |
51 | Belamy Von Der Oebisfelder Burg | U |
52 | Do It One More Time With A Laugh | ZG |
53 | Minerva Of Apollo Estate | Afwezig |
54 | Narcissa Of Apollo Estate | ZG |
55 | Nussini Vom Lehrbacher Wald | ZG |
56 | Puntinato Ballante Valentine's Velvet Victory | 2 U |
57 | Puntinato Ballante Virgin Violet Valley | 4 U |
58 | Raul & Caprilli's Quo Status | ZG |
59 | Southern Spots Time Turner | ZG |
60 | V.d. Zuidzijde Ricotta Fresca | 3 U |
Tussenklasse teven
61 | Bacardi Feeling Alberta Viva Oesella | ZG |
62 | Beech Lane Skylarks Song Of Ynyslas | 4 U |
63 | I Nenya Ikigai Of Dalmatey’s Spot | 1 U + Res.CAC |
64 | Namara’s Ay Caramba | ZG |
65 | Tamilanda Instant Sparkle | 2 U |
66 | Unforgettable Kindness Of The Elegant Dots | ZG |
67 | Unforgettable Lucky Star Of The Love Spots | ZG |
68 | Yade Autumn's Soulmate Von Stella Matutina | 3 U |
Openklasse teven
69 | Above A Beyond Iz Terletskoy Dubravy | U |
70 | Catootje Tîwele Elensar | ZG |
71 | Dalmundis Belle De Jour | U |
72 | Hagmöll Peppers Babs | ZG |
73 | Indian Feather Idolize Utah | U |
74 | Lady Blanchefleur Of Apollo Estate | U |
75 | Lichtenbelt's Summer Breeze | 4 U |
76 | Obonya's Pride Ela Anna Felicia | ZG |
77 | Ofra Haza The Astonishing | 2 U |
78 | Southern Spots Madame President | 3 U |
79 | U Make My Heart Beat Passionate About You | Afwezig |
80 | Update Unique Of The Three Turnip's | 1 U |
81 | Whooptihoo"s Fruity Fresh | ZG |
Fokkersklasse teven
82 | Bacardi Feeling Autumn Rose | ZG |
83 | Beech Lane Silver Maple | ZG |
84 | Dalmacademy's Incasso | U |
85 | Flying Spots Lily Of The Valley | 1 U |
86 | Numpty The Astonishing | U |
87 | Obonya's Pride Ela Anna Rubina | 3 U |
88 | Puntinato Ballante Shining Star Stippa | 4 U |
89 | Sexy And I Know It Passionate About You | ZG |
90 | Toscana Bella Du Clos De La Rose | 2 U |
Kampioensklasse teven
91 | Alphadirato New Star | Afwezig |
92 | Chablis Iz Terletskoy Dubravy | ZG |
93 | Honey Spotty Memories | U |
94 | Insa Vom Hause Fiedanu | 3 U |
95 | Jilloc'S First Choice | Afwezig |
96 | Pretty In Pink Passionate About You | 4 U |
97 | Toot's She's A Rainbow | 1 U + Res.BIS/BOS/CAC |
98 | V.d. Zuidzijde Jelly Popping Candy | 2 U |
Veteranenklasse teven
99 | Dalmacademy's Dutch Delicious | 3 U |
100 | Dalmacademy's Dutch Design | ZG |
101 | Namara's Speed Of Sound | 1 U |
102 | Obonya's Pride Anna-tevka | ZG |
103 | Obonya's Pride Bella Donna Yaela | 4 ZG |
104 | Spotted Dream´s Oshun | 2 U |
Funklasse teven < 1 jaar
105 | Cato | 1e plaats |
Funklasse teven > 1 jaar
106 | Anaksibia My Spotted Heart Dream | 1e plaats + Beste FUNklasse |
107 | Dalmatrix Blueberry | Afwezig |
108 | Fleur V.h. Hof Dousberg | 3e plaats |
109 | Indian Feather Kiowa Angel | 2e plaats |